Upstairs Gallery update: SPRING GALLERY NIGHT 3.28 : Stephen Rascoe

Spring Gallery Night
The Fort Worth Art Dealers Association has cancelled Spring Gallery Night for March 28. The Fort Worth Weekly is not delivering or distributing the booklets until we reschedule the event.   The Upstairs Gallery will go ahead and hang its show, “Stephen Rascoe: Collecting Texas Memories,” before 28 March and keep our regular business hours.   The Gallery has cancelled its classes for the next two weeks.  We hope to resume classes April 7th.

We will post additional updates on THE UPSTAIRS GALLERY FACEBOOOK PAGE.

Collecting Texas MemoriesImpressions of the Hill Country, North Texas and the Gulf Coastby late Texas Artist Stephen Rascoe1924 – 2008

Texas expressionist Stephen Rascoe was one of The Upstairs Gallery’s founding artists. This exhibition offers a selection of paintings that highlight the various regions of Texas where Stephen Rascoe lived and painted.

Poems by Austin poet, Prince De’Vshon, will complement Rascoe’s visual memories.

As a young boy living in the Texas Hill Country, Rascoe and his brothers discovered and swam in hidden waterholes amongst the hilled landscape. Rascoe once commented, “The light is so different in the hill country, especially at sunrise and sunset.” When Stephen’s father died, his family moved to Corpus Christi Texas. The Gulf, the palms, seagulls, boats, and sea reflections became his new favorite subjects.

In his early 30’s with a wife and two small children, Rascoe made his final move to Arlington Texas where his artistic sensibilities broadened yet again to include the vast open landscapes of North Texas.
Throughout his career which spanned almost six decades, Rascoe kept returning to the beloved subjects of his childhood and early adulthood which are lovingly exhibited here and span from the 1960’s to the early 2000’s.

Please enjoy “Collecting Texas Memories” A New Show at The Upstairs Gallery

UPSTAIRS GALLERY, 1038 WEST ABRAM, ARLINGTON, TX 76013 * 817.277.6961 * TUES. ~ SAT. / 12:20 PM – 5:00 PM