“Stepping Off the Soap Box: Writing Characters Who Persuade Not Preach” ONLINE with Trent Hudley

Do you have a message you want to get across with your work?

Fiction as a platform to discuss ideas and opinions is a grand literary tradition. But it can often turn into a stage for the author to rant. This class will focus on creating characters that are intelligent and believable but not mere mouthpieces for the author. http://www.writersleague.org/calendar/PersuadeNotPreachHudley2020

  • You’re writing fiction.
  • You’re interested in creating vivid characters.



Trent Hudley is the author of the short story collection One of These Days, published by Veliz Books. He currently teaches at the Lighthouse Writer’s Workshop in Denver, CO. He has taught Creative Writing in Regis University’s M.A. program, and teaches Literature and Composition at Metropolitan State University and The Community College of Denver. He earned his M.F.A. from The University of Texas in El Paso. He was raised and still resides in Denver, Colorado.