Hello from The Cedars Union!
This past month has been one of reorienting ourselves to the long game of 2020. We’ve now had two months of being reopen to members, and five months of virtual programming. The time has come to stop waiting for a return to normalcy and move forward with a new vigor towards adaptation. Though interactions look different, our community and mission persist.
Next month we will begin holding “small-batch demos” in our space for members. By bringing some tech equipment into more open spaces, opening up the garage door in the woodshop, and limiting the number of attendees, we’re resuming in person member training at The CU. This week we are having our first member field trip at the outdoor art space Sweetpass Sculpture Park. We are devising a virtual critique program, and building clever avenues for artists to interact with each other that doesn’t require getting together in a room. Naturally we have no shortage of creativity and are using our strengths to overcome the social limitations COVID-19 has imposed. For this we are grateful and once again excited.
This August our public programs will take a look at how to find artists in the city, and how to make yourself easy to find. We’ll cover this topic with virtual talks from Erin Cluley Gallery and AURORA, as well as a webinar on search engine optimization (SEO). Scroll down to learn more and register.
Thu. August 6: How to Find Local Artists and How to Get Found: Virtual Q&A with Erin Cluley 5:30-6:30 PM via Zoom webinar Free with Registration In this virtual Q&A we’ll talk to Erin Cluley, whose gallery is known for a strong roster of DFW artists, and find out how she finds artists and what they can do to put themselves on a gallerist’s radar. |
Wed. August 12: Local and Large Scale: Virtual Q&A with Joshua King 5:30-6:30PM via Zoom webinar Free with Registration Joshua King, is an artist and co-founder of AURORA, the public art organization that fuses together art, technology and community. We’ll speak to Joshua about the new trajectory of AURORA and their curatorial process, focusing on how they find local artists, help realize their projects, and how they integrate them with international works. Presented in partnership with AURORA. |
Tue. August 25: Search Engine Optimization Made Fun: Webinar with Edgar Cardoze 5:30-6:30PM via Zoom webinar Free with Registration Improving your visibility as an artist online helps potential customers find you and your work organically. In this webinar SEO specialist, Edgar Cardoze, will go over simple strategies you can do for your name or your website to appear more prominently on Google and other search engines. It might be fun. |
Lunch + Learn: Copyright I September 9 @ 12:00 am – 1:30 pm
Online Teaching Wisdom: Webinar with Chesley Antoinette September 22 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm