Submission Deadline: August 1, 2020
Synopsis: In collaboration with Lone Star Letter Writers, Art Room announces a new call for entry for the virtual exhibition, Correspondence.
The exhibit will celebrate the art of letter writing. Curated by Lone Star Letter Writers, the show will consist of 20 to 50 pieces of original art from submissions by artists, letter writers, collectors, philatelist, and poets. The selected pieces of work in the show will be no larger than the maximum dimensions to send a letter with one Forever Stamp (6 1/8 inches x 11 1/2 inches). All submissions will be sent by mail so postmarks, postage, and the wear and tear of transport can be displayed as well.
In the digital age when we can send a message across the globe in seconds, Correspondence aims to showcase the unique and noteworthy ways to send art by post. The exhibition will be on display via Art Room’s website. The artworks received in the mail for the show will be artfully photographed for the virtual presentation. A physical exhibition is forthcoming.
Curator Information: Correspondence is curated by Lone Star Letter Writers, a group of letter-writers who advocate for keeping the art of mailed correspondence alive and well. Lone Star Letter Writers was started in 2018 by Fort Worth native Sissy Cross with the intention to build community and make room for more mail. The group meets once a month in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and all events are free and open to anyone curious or inspired to create. They embrace all aspects of the art of letter writing, from the message of the letter itself to the inspired ways that the envelope and correspondence can become works of art in themselves. In curating this exhibit, Lone Star Letter Writers hopes to display the infinitely creative ways that art and letters can be created and sent across the country for only fifty-five cents.
Lone Star Letter Writers
Eligibility: Open to multigenerational makers. All media will be considered—letters, postcards, drawings, objects. The selected pieces of work in the show will be no larger than the maximum dimensions to send a letter with one Forever Stamp (6 1/8 inches x 11 1/2 inches). All submissions will be sent by mail so postmarks, postage, and the wear and tear of transport can be displayed as well. The artwork may represent any subject matter. Artists must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of artwork; Art Room will maintain possession of the artwork without a SASE as part of our permanent collection. Please respect these eligibility requirements.
Terms of Sale: Artwork will be sold with the following commission/payment terms—Art Room: 40% (commission to Art Room), Artist: 60% (payment to the artist).
Fees: Free
Important dates:
- Submissions Due to Art Room: August 1, 2020
- Virtual Exhibition Dates: August 13 – September 12, 2020
- Virtual Opening Reception: August 13, 2020 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
- Additional Virtual Programming: TBD
- Physical Exhibition Dates: Forthcoming
Requirements: Please send letters, postcards, drawings, and objects to:
Lone Star Letter Writers
c/o Deedra Baker
5452 Enclave Cir #1731
Fort Worth, TX 76132
Return of Work: TBD based on forthcoming physical exhibition.
Liability: We will take the utmost care in handling and installing artwork and provide insurance while any artwork is in our possession—on view or while in storage. Art Room will not be held responsible for lost or damaged artwork while it is in route to or from Art Room. The artist maintains sole responsibility for ensuring artwork while in transit.
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