While we have put our open to the public 8 hrs a week on hold at the moment, we will continue doing what we do. We are enjoying art around here more than ever.
We are adding to our website daily and opened a new category of Joy Under $10 for everyone wanting to enjoy art while supporting artists and our gallery with a smaller commitment.
No doubt we are wading through a time where we must all find
the new balance of it all and most importantly….DO WHAT YOU CAN DO to
keep the places and people you value going. This all will pass, but it
will take time and dedication from us all to make the world a better
Be Kind, Stay Safe, Keep Love and Joy in your Heart! Same message just a very different verse.
We miss your faces at our doors and in our gallery, but that
time will come again and until then….kill time with our website as
well as Glasstire
and all of the other galleries you love. Buy something to enjoy while
in isolation. Have a cocktail at noon instead of 5, and enjoy the
playlist we have put together to help you through it all.
Silver Linings playlist from Webb Gallery |
Love you all more than ever….Julie, Bruce and Daisy and Dexter who are wondering….what the hell..